Hey, overthinker, it’s going to be okay – an open letter to myself.

You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not when you socialize. You don’t have to mask your personality because it suits someone better. You don’t have to try to impress someone because you don’t posess those qualities. No one will ever see you for who you really are if you wear all that…

Razor’s Edge MX Website: From Conception to Completion

Since I had finished their branding, I felt they needed a new website… badly. Their old one was very outdated, broken, and it was very difficult to navigate and find what you’re looking for. I decided to research a little on what the competition’s websites looked like. They were organized, but very simple and had…

Logo Design: The Psychology Behind the Mark

One thing I always ask myself is what makes award winning logos? But also how do they really affect people’s purchasing habits? I’ll try and provide as much information as I can to really get to know what branding is all about and how it affects people. COLOR First off, I’ll start with colors. The…

Guitar Center Annual Report

I designed what an annual report could look like for Guitar Center. The theme was “Revisiting Our Roots” so I wanted the look to be vintage with their store colors. I went with the die cut record theme so that it would be a unique twist to connect their merchandise and their brand. You can…

Dealing with Hard Clients

I don’t know about you, but I’ve dealt with some bad clients before and it’s hard to really like doing design for them when they control the whole project. It turns into a battle of them controlling what you design, even if it’s not good design or what’s best for them. I think if the…

Goal Setting and Networking

Making goals for yourself isn’t always easy. You have to set something reasonable, but challenging. If there’s a big goal you have that seems way out there, just set little steps to reach to get there first. Take a look at yourself and what you need to change to get there. Nothing happens overnight, but…

Beautiful Soul, You Are Amazing.

You have dreams don’t you? Don’t ever let anyone tell you you can’t achieve them. Don’t let someone else control your life. You are worthy of control over your life. You are loved. You are enough. You are amazing. You are beautiful. What you create is beautiful and needs to be in the world for…

Perceiving is Believing 

Do you ever just see all of the world and think how different everyone perceives it? There’s 7 billion people on earth which means there’s 7 billion different lives seeing the world differently. That’s insane to me. There’s an infinite amount of ways people can create art around the way they perceive things. Almost like…

Controversial Art and the Real World

When something’s a part of you, who you are, you put an immense amount of effort into it, because you love it. That’s how I am with art. Any kind of art excites me. There’s a billion different ways to do it. There’s a billion different ways a person could perceive it. Many things I…