Push the Boundaries

You know what I really love? Design that’s risky. Intuitive. Grungy. Controversial. Something that just hits people’s hearts in emotional ways. I love getting reactions out of people just by creating something that’s never been done before. I like taking risks. I like working to be the best. I like pushing myself to be even better than last time. Design is my passion; my heart. And nothing makes me more excited than design that isn’t the norm. That pushes the boundaries of good design. That’s what really pushes me to do more. Forever thinking that I could easily change the design world just as much as the next guy. Why not?

I have my bad days, sure, just like everyone else, but I always try to tell myself that there’s always another day and that every experience is a learning experience. Especially with design, you have to keep learning more and more everyday because it changes so much. I want to break stereotypes and the norms of the design world. Because if I can’t make an impact on the world, what’s life really about?

The one bit of advice I could give designers is to always follow your passion and never give up. Always push yourself to do better; be better. Do everything you can to learn as much as you can. Your mistakes don’t make you, but what you learn from it does.

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  1. dhayshms says:

    Very good!

    Liked by 1 person

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